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That varies from person to person. I know bout 4 people who have it done and they rate it at about a 6-7 on a scale of 1-10 with ten being the most painful.

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Q: How much to rook piercings hurt?
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How bad do rook piercings hurt?

Any piercing will only hurt as bad as your pain tolerance will allow. If your pain tolerance is high, it may not hurt you. If its low, it may be a little uncomfortable. I can tell you that piercings through cartilage are a little more of a shock than other piercings. Its over within seconds, so you should be fine.

How much do piercings hurt?

If you are getting a ear piercing it doesn't hurt at all but other kinds of piercings non your body hurt depending on where you get them!

How much do bellybutton piercings hurt?

It hurts so much its hardly bearable.

Do dermal piercings hurt?

Yes. All piercings hurt to some degree

How easily do rook piercings get infected?

Well that all depends on your level of personal hygene. Bathing and cleaning the piercings daily with soap and running water will help avoid infections. Failure to clean the piercings will result in a build up of skin oil and bacteria which can develope into a difficult to fight infection.

Do surface hip piercings hurt?

It depends on your pain tolerance. For me it didn't hurt much. It was just a sharp pinch. Hip piercings have a really high chance of rejection though.

How much do ear piercings hurt?

It doesn't hurt that much. Just feels like a sharp pinch. But it may hurt if you have a high pain tolerence level.

What piercing does not hurt?

All piercings hurt.

Should you get your rook pierced on left or right ear I have my lobes pierced and 2 middle ear piercings on right ear?

AnswerYou should get your rook pierced on the left ear.

Do naval piercings hurt?

If you get it done by a professional, only the clamp should hurt, but I doubt that the clamp hurts too much.

What is the legal age for rook piercings in Canada?

I'm not sure about other areas, but in BC the legal age for any piercing without consent it 16 (excluding genitalia, nipples and surface piercings) However, there are many professional piercers that you can go to underage. I got my rook pierced when I was 14.

Does side labret piercings hurt when you get it done?

All piercings hurt to some degree. It all depends on your pain tolerance.