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an iTunes music card does not hold songs, it pays for them. (sorry, I might have not understood what you are asking). Also, each song is .99 cents, so you would be able to 20 songs with 20 cents left over on the card. album prices vary.

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Q: How much songs does the 20.00 itunes music card have?
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If you mean purchasing songs from iTunes on an iPod, Yes. On an iPod touch you may download music from either a credit/debit card or an iTunes gift card.

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Music can be added to your iTunes music library from your computer or CDs that you own. Further details are only required if setting up an account to buy items from the iTunes store.

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There are itunes gift cards that you can buy for others that allow the person to use the money on the card to buy songs for their ipod. For more information go to

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you have to copy to sd card. then go to Nintendo sound and go to play with music

Can you download music from iTunes to your psp?

Yeah: Go to Music>iTunes>iTunes Music>(songs), then highlight the songs, duplicate them, drag the duplicates to the desktop. Remove "copy" from the songs and drag them to the PSP memory chip (You have to attach the PSP to the comp with usb cable, or chip to a card reader box) and into the music folder (It's on there somewhere).

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You have to have a credit card or an iTunes gift card to be able to purchase music, movies, books, apps, etc. and it doesn't charge off your bill.

Do you need an iTunes account to redeem and iTunes gift card?

To use an iTunes Gift Card to pay for your songs click on the Redeem link in the Quick Links box (top right) on the iTunes store home page.

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with a credit card

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Cash can be used to purchase an iTunes gift card which are available from many retailers. You can then add the value of your gift card to your iTunes account to buy songs from iTunes.

Is it posable to put music on a dsi with a mac computer?

yes, if you have a card reader. In fact, Itunes is the best program to convert the songs with.

How do you download music to an sd card?

Download iTunes on a computer that has an SD card slot. Put music onto iTunes. plug the sd card in and drag the music onto it

How do you put songs on a SD card?

by using itunes