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Before you do salvia know what you getting into, a trip twice as hard as real LSD or ACID. Salvia should be smoked through a bong, pack a full bowl for one person and light it with a butane torch lighter and burn it all. I recomomend 60x. Hold the hit in as long as you can and pass to someone else before your face melts

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Q: How much salvia do you smoke first time?
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Will you get the same trip every time you smoke salvia?

It varies. For many people, yes, you will encounter the previous trip.

How much salvia should you take for first time and What strength I'm 120lbs and I was thinkng 20x?

I wouldn't even recommend the 10X extract. Beginners should start with the non-extract plain dried leaf Salvia Divinorum. I would recommend chewing the leaves for at least half an hour first. Smoke it later. Lastly, do not take any Salvia Divinorum at all if you're trying to get high or if you're immature. It is a sacred herb used for spiritual purposes. Use it with respect.

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No, I have athsma and smoke pot. Just take it easy don't inhale too much first time

Marijuana in saliva?

There is no Marijuana in Salvia. You can use them both at the same time and both do grow in the ground as plants but Marijuana is not in Salvia.

How much crack can get you high and How much should a first time user smoke?

None. Never start using cocaine it is really bad for you

Will you get high the first time smoke?


What are the myths related to salvia?

Salvia divinorum, for the time being, contains the most potent naturally occurring hallucinogen known to man. (not a myth)Myth: Salvia is an hallucinogen.Salvia is a taxonomical genus. It is the biggest in the mint family, containing around 700 to 900 species of plants. Included are widely used spices, pseudo-grains and dietary supplements. Few are psychoactive.Myth: Salvia (divinorum) is legal to smoke.At least in California, it is legal to buy, but not to smoke. It is legal to burn as incense, and I believe the laws are state-level and subject to change.

Is quittng salvia hard to do?

i guess you really wouldn't get addicted to it if your trying it for the first time, so its easy to stop the first couple times you try it. but if youre smoking multiple times daily then it gets a little harder to quit, but even then you would never really have to suffer to quit salvia because its not that addicting.

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Well, it depends on how much you smoke.

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How much time does it take to smoke fish?

Lol amount.

Can you come out dirty by just trying salvia one time?

Salvia doesn't show up on regular drug tests. Don't worry. You can try it several times.