According to "health in motion .com" , a 4-8 yr old would need 3800mg of potasium daily.
A9-13 yr old would need 4500mg qd.
There is also a list of foods (& how much of each) containing potasium and how much in them.
at least 8 hours of sleep
8 hours
A lot of girls feel they need a boy in their lives to be complete, or to fill some void. But the truth is, girls only need a boy as much as they think they do. The only person who can truly decide if a girl needs a boy in her life is her.
Virgos like to work as much as you do, but you also need to play!
Girls need education just as much as a boy. Also, it is to spite you! (and because women deserve as much a choise about their futures as guys)
The pep boy auto company does everything for less. They have oils repairs maintenance and pretty much everything for your car and what you need done on your vehicle.
Well honestly, if he is good at hiding lies he isn't the right boy for you. You don't need him to lie to you. You deserve a much better boy than that, sweetheart. :)
4,700 mg per day is the standard adult daily intake recommendation. A variety of foods should be eaten to make this up. Don't just stuff with bananas every day.
You can't make someone like one another. The best thing to do (as most common ways of doing things) is to find their likes, and how he does things. Remember that communication is also key in a relationship (though you are 12 but I'm sure you get the general idea of that), and to remember to do a few little things for him such as buying him something that either means a lot to him, or something that will make him remember that YOU purchased it for him.
It means he is a small boy on the inside, who thinks he is a 'bad boy'. He thinks that he doesn't need anyone, but all he wants he for people to care for him. You can probably do much better.
no you need the original action replay for game boy color no you need the original action replay for game boy color
Umm, yes? You need a BOY and a girl to breed. Your boy still has to be intact