regular tv channels are regulated by FCC can have from very little to none. depending on the hour they can show like 1 second of a butt in a scene but no frontal nudity is allowed. on premium channels like hbo, showtime, etc. they are not ruled by FCC and can show what ever they want.
There has been zero male nudity on Dr. Oz. Nudity wouldn't air during daytime TV.
Yes, full nudity is allowed in Pennsylvania strip clubs. The closer you get to Philadelphia, the more nudity you'll find. There are several smaller clubs that are in more rural areas that also have full nudity.
Some nudity is allowed on YouTube though the video needs to be marked as it contains adult content. This prevents underage children from viewing the videos.
That type of content is not allowed on YouTube.
No - although they are similar in many respects. The closest analog is between TV-MA and PG-13TV MA is a TV rating meaning "For Mature Audiences Only".R is an MPAA rating meaning "Restricted - under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian"Officially TV MA means:"This program is specifically designed to be viewed by adults and therefore may be unsuitable for children under 17. This program may contain one or more of the following: crude indecent language (L), explicit sexual activity (S), or graphic violence (V)."Officially R is assigned for:Violence that is both intense and persistent (at least an R rating although NC-17 could, in theory be assigned if it were intense and persistent enough) The most violent R rated films are more violent than the most violent TV-MA programsMultiple occurrences of one of the harsher sexually-derived expletives and/or he usage of such an expletive in a sexual context. The most vulgar and crude language in R rated films will exceed that permitted in TV-MA.Anything more than "brief" nudity and nudity that is sexually oriented. Nothing more than brief nudity is allowed in TV-MA
In the UK, nudity is not allowed on TV in the daytime. After 9PM however, swearing and topless women can be seen and heard. After 11PM, full nudity is allowed.
There are two main types of material that are censored on television, nudity and language. However, the rules about what is allowed is changing all the time. Certain words that were not allowed 5 years ago are now common place on television. Many parents do not like this.
The simple answer is - it's not possible to regulate who would be able to see nude people on TV. There are ratings for films that show nudity - to prevent children viewing material they are too young to understand. With TV certain nudity is allowed - but only after a set time in the evening (when children should be in bed !)
There has been zero male nudity on Dr. Oz. Nudity wouldn't air during daytime TV.
Public nudity is not illegal in Germany. Naturist beach allows nudity.
Acceptable television content varies widely around the world. Many countries restrict nudity on television and one of the most restrictive countries is the US. Generally, UK television can have no nudity before 9 pm. European television tends to be far more relaxed about nudity and it can be seen at all hours in some countries. The restrictions are based on the cultural norms of the population and are normally the interpretation by the country's regulator of what is considered acceptable. It is interesting to see that many American programs can show sexual activity even if nudity is not allowed. As for violence, the same regulators make rules for violent scenes on television and they are often less strict than nudity. There are may people who question the wisdom of censoring nudity while allowing a great deal of violence to be seen. There is no easy formula for the decisions but regulators can be swayed by their perception of public opinion. If enough people raise concerns about violence, rules may be changed in response.
"Public" nudity is not permitted anywhere in the US.
Yes, full nudity is allowed in Pennsylvania strip clubs. The closer you get to Philadelphia, the more nudity you'll find. There are several smaller clubs that are in more rural areas that also have full nudity.
Nudity is censored on public TV because children don't need exposure to the sight of naked bodies! Censoring TV nudity ensures that children only get to see programs and content suitable for all ages. Usually programs containing nudity are restricted to a 'watershed' time - for example 9pm - when most younger children are normally in bed.
Public nudity is illegal in the US and is referred to as indecent exposure.
There are nude beaches, yes
Some nudity is allowed on YouTube though the video needs to be marked as it contains adult content. This prevents underage children from viewing the videos.