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An average family will spend roughly 300 to 500 dollars at Christmas.

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Q: How much money in the world is spent at Christmas?
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How much money spent for Christmas?

no one knows.

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How much money was spent in the UK at Christmas in 2007?

£47,980,000 £47,980,000

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How much money is spent at Christmas worldwide together?

It is not known how much money is spent on Christmas worldwide, but it is probably safe to assume it is in the billions of dollars, depending on how well people are going financially.

How much money is spent during Christmas in the UK?

530-682 pounds

How much money is lost during Christmas season?

I wouldn't say any money is lost during the Christmas season. If money is 'well-spent', then there can be no loss.

How much Is spent on a family at Christmas?

Different families spend different amounts of money.

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How Much Money Is Spent On Christmas Day?

let me see close to 1000000000 alot lol

How much money spent for Disney World to be built?

It was 15,432,344,993$

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