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I've sat in a car with my buddy while he smoked an entire blunt to the head, needless to say i didn't feel anything at all, note the fact the Entire car was so foggy we could barely see, if i didn't get high off of that, i don't think there is a such thing as a contact buzz, plus i heard that marijuana needs to be directly inhaled to feel the effects. or eaten. ya know.. so i hope i helped...peace

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Q: How much marijuana causes contact high?
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How long does a contact high last?

Depends on how much contact you had with it!

Does marijuana slow healing of broken bones?

No. Despite what marijuana promoters claim, there's really no evidence it does much of anything except get you high.

Can you lose your license for marijuana?

If driving high you can. If driving while possessing weed you can. It pretty much comes down to if you are doing anything involving driving and marijuana you can loose it.

How did marijuana get its nicnames?

1) to avoid police because asking to buy a tree draws much less atention than asking to buy some marijuana 2)because when your high marijuana is a mouth full to say

Witch in worst marijuana or alcohol?

Alcohol is much worse.. i never killed anyone while i was high.............

How much risperdal to get high?

Don't even try . these drugs are dangerous to take abused. If you feel like your prescribed dose is not working contact your health provider. If you want to get "high" its suggested that you get a card for medicinal marijuana if you live in one of the many states that have legalized it . conditions differ in each state.

If you smoke six pot seeds will you get high?

Marijuana seeds, stems, and leaves are very low in THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana). So, no, smoking six pot seeds will not get you high. It is pretty much impossible to get high from smoking any amount of seeds, stems, or leaves.

What is the difference between tobacoo and marijuana?

Tobacco is much more addictive and nicotine can cause cancer. Marijuana is not very addictive (it is less addictive than caffeine). Marijuana has a much stronger short term effect than tobacco does. Being high on marijuana drastically changes one's perception of reality for the duration of the drug's main effects.

How are cigarettes worse then marijuana?

weed gets you stoned cigarettes dont get you high cigarettes suck! also if you smoke marijuana with a bong or a vapo its much healther; (most people for get that when compairing the two.)

How long will a marijuana trip last?

You mean a depends on how much you smoked, what kind of weed it was and if you smoke in between times. Usually a high will last 2 hours.

How much is 3.5 grams of marijuana?

Generally speaking, the quality of the Marijuana plays a major role. Anywhere from $20 for regular chronic to $25 for kush (high quality)...although most Medical Marijuana clinics will start out at $30 a gram for kush.