50-100 or so
how much is five Canada money worth in Brazil
i have a t parker double barrel shotgun im wondering how much it is worth?
Oh yes! Brazil is a beautiful place to go!
Please dont shoot slugs through a 32" barrel A5. That is undoubtedly a full choke and shooting slugs through it can damage that barrel, which by itself is worth $300. Slug barrels are typically 24" in length with an Improved Cylinder choke.
about $3500
A Rossi 62 sa or 62sa is worth $300 round barrel and $550 with a octogon barrel. These guns are becoming rare and are high quality guns made in Brazil. Becoming hard to find in an octogon version. I have seen on fetch $650 at an aution.
A Rossi 62 sa or 62sa is worth $300 round barrel and $550 with a octogon barrel. These guns are becoming rare and are high quality guns made in Brazil. Becoming hard to find in an octogon version. I have seen on fetch $650 at an aution.
1 Brazil reais = 0.49321375 Canadian dollars
Do you mean you have an extra barrel, or are you calling the tube magazine below the barrel another barrel?
Storm ruger 44 magnum 10 inch barrel What is it worth