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50-100 USD

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Q: How much is your boubble barrel shoot gun made in Brazil worth?
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How effective is a 32 inch barrel for slugs on a 12 gauge Browning Auto-5 and what is the best slug length to use?

Please dont shoot slugs through a 32" barrel A5. That is undoubtedly a full choke and shooting slugs through it can damage that barrel, which by itself is worth $300. Slug barrels are typically 24" in length with an Improved Cylinder choke.

How much is an Inzino Damascus double barrel hammered shotgun worth with the numbers 10 12 1 stamped on the barrel worth?

about $3500

What is the value of rossi model 62sa pump rifle?

A Rossi 62 sa or 62sa is worth $300 round barrel and $550 with a octogon barrel. These guns are becoming rare and are high quality guns made in Brazil. Becoming hard to find in an octogon version. I have seen on fetch $650 at an aution.

What is the value of Rossi Model 62SA 22 pump rifle?

A Rossi 62 sa or 62sa is worth $300 round barrel and $550 with a octogon barrel. These guns are becoming rare and are high quality guns made in Brazil. Becoming hard to find in an octogon version. I have seen on fetch $650 at an aution.

How much is a Canadian dollar worth in Brazil?

1 Brazil reais = 0.49321375 Canadian dollars

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Do you mean you have an extra barrel, or are you calling the tube magazine below the barrel another barrel?

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