Depends on the gun. A .22 will have very different pressures from a 30-06.
That is where the bullet comes out of the gun.
A bullet leaves a gun barrel because it is forced out by the pressure of burning gasses.
The gun barrel is the metal part that the bullet comes out of.
The gun weighs MUCH more than the bullet.
Rifling a gun barrel causes the bullet to spin when it comes out. This makes the bullet fly more straight and greatly improves accuracy. Much like a spinning football spirals.
It's at the end of the barrel where the bullet comes out. It's at the opposite end of the butt of the gun.
In order to reduce friction it is important that the inside of the barrel be highly polished. Also the gas pressure (from the explosion of the charge) on the bullet is what drives the bullet and in order to maximize the pressure there cannot be much gas leakage areound the bullet in the the bullet can slide through quicker, easier, and smoother.
Damage. How much depends on the gun that fired the bullet that hits it. it probably would explode
It is amazing that anything is able to silence a gun, but gun silencers actually work on a v­ery simple principle.Imagine a balloon. If you pop a balloon with a pin, it will make a loud noise. But if you were to untie the end of the balloon and let the air out slowly, you could pop it making very little noise. That is the basic idea behind a gun silencer.To fire a bullet from a gun, gunpowder is ignited behind thebullet. The gunpowder creates a high-pressure pulse of hot gas. The pressure of the gas forces the bullet down the barrel of the gun. When the bullet exits the end of the barrel, it is like uncorking a bottle. The pressure behind the bullet is immense, however -- on the order of 3,000 pounds per square inch (psi) -- so the POP that the gun makes as it is uncorked ­is extremely loud.A silencer screws on to the end of the barrel and has a huge volume compared to the barrel (20 or 30 times greater). With the silencer in place, the pressurized gas behind the­ bullet has a big space to expand into. So the pressure of the hot gas falls significantly. When the bullet finally exits through the hole in the silencer, the pressure being uncorked is much, much lower -- perhaps 60 psi. Therefore, the sound of the gun firing is much softer.Several alert readers have written to point out that a bullet that travels at supersonic speeds cannot be silenced because the bullet creates its own little sonic boom as it travels. Many high-powered loads travel at supersonic speeds. The silencer can remove the "uncorking" sound, but not the sound of the bullet's flight.
Actually, the proper name is "cartridge." The term bullet is an extremly common but incorrect usage when referring to a cartridge. The term bullet only refers to the piece of lead that comes out of the barrel when the gun is fired. The bullet is one component of the cartridge.
Because the bullet shoots out and let's a big bang of pressure
It goes up and eventually comes back down.