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100-1000 or so depending on specifics

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Q: How much is my colt 22 caliber auto pistol bull barrel worth?
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How old is colt pistol serial number 20817?

Need to know caliber, barrel length and whether it is a revolver or semi-auto pistol in order to answer.

What is a Ruger P 90 45 caliber Auto Pistol worth?

100-400 or so

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Need to know caliber, barrel length, whether its a revolver or semi-auto, if a revolver is it DA or SA, finish, overall condition, does it have the original box, papers, all markings,etc..

How much is my Hi-Standard 22 caliber auto loading pistol worth?

Depends on model (and there are DOZENS of models of High Standard pistols) and the condition.

What is a Ruger Mark 1 22 Long Rifle Auto Pistol with a 5.28 tapered barrel worth?

50-150 USD or so

What is the age of a Smith and Wesson pistol with a serial number 316182?

Can't be answered without knowing caliber, barrel length, number of shots, finish, whether a revolver or semi-auto.

Age and value of a smith and Wesson pistol serial number 67985?

Can't be accurately answered without knowing if it is a revolver, semi-auto, caliber, finish, barrel length and all markings.

Where would i find A four barrel small caliber auto pistol?

gun shops, gun shows, estate sales, pawn shops, garage sales, for sale ads, want ads

What is the value of a 25 caliber auto stainless steel Sterling pistol?

About $100-$125

What ammo does a glock 38 use?

Caliber is .45 GAP (Glock auto pistol)

Semi auto pistol and it says Regent 1921 what is it who made it and what is it worth. What caliber is it?

Can't be answered. It's like asking "I have a 4 door car and it says Bel Air, what is it, who made it and what is it worth. What engine does it have?"

Do they make a 38 caliber in semi-auto-matic?

Yes- but not very common. There is an automatic pistol caliber known as the .38 Super, which does not interchange with the .38 Special revolver cartridge. There have been a small number of target pistols built to shoot .38 Special Wadcutter target ammo. And there is at least one auto pistol made in caliber .357 Magnum (revolver cartridge). However, revolver ammo is rimmed, and auto pistol ammo is rimless- there are usually feeding problems when an auto pistol is made for revolver ammo.