Semi auto versions range from 250-1000 USD.
A legally transferrable select fire one is in the multiple thousands of USD range
usually a simi auto runs about $600 usd
$1000 - 1500 USD depending on model milled or stamped receiver, fixed or folding stock.
About 123 grains.
About 467% depending on how much kush air has been used
5-10 pounds
Depends on the brand; cheaper ones from a dealer or gunshow can be bought starting at around 350-400 dollars, whereas they can go up to the thousands for special models and types.
classified info from Arsenal
ciener inc. currently has them for sale for $200
From what i no about ak47's, no. You can get an ak that will shot a .223 round though. <><><><><><><> The AK47 is caliber 7.62x39. The .308 is a much longer (about a half inch longer), more powerful cartridge, with a heavier bullet, and is too long to cycle through the AK action.
there is no ak47 in bad company 2.
no. BUT there is a Ak47u which is the smaller version of an ak47.
The AK47 was invented by Mr.Kalishnakov, In the Soviet Union.