The Webley Scott was made between 1964-75. the .22 fired at 310 FPS. Please state the condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value. Is it still working? Is it in excellent, very good, good, fair or poor condition? Without this information no estimate of value can be listed.
Your question can not be answered because: Webley & Scott made over 22 different pistols models. You did not state the model number You did not state the condition of the pistol. Without more information, No estimate of value can be given.
A Webley & Scott Junior is worth: 100%=$150, 90%=$110, 60%=$80 Mfg late 1940s to late 1960s.
In poor condition it is worth $30 in Like new condition it is worth $150
Just picked one up for $2100.
When you ask for the value of this airgun, you need to give me more information than "How much is it worth?" Let me explain. If I asked you "How much is my 56 T-bird worth?" The first thing you might ask is, "What condition is it in?" It could be a real gem or just a bucket of rust. It's the same with any antique. The current condition determines the value. You need to give a description of the airgun, give it some sort of rating like, it's in (Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent) shape. Or tell me that is looks well used or has very little wear. Something that gives me an idea of where to start. Without more information it is not possible to give you an estimate of value. From your question I believe you are asking about a Webley Premier MKII made between 1964-1975.
Without more information about the condition of the pistol, it is not possible to give you an estimate of value.
Hurricane: Made by Webley and Scott in mint condition it is worth around $190 to $225
50-100 USD Another Answer: Depending on the condition I've seen them sell for over $3000
To get an estimate of value you will have to state the condition of the rifle and give the SN#. There are 5 different series of this rifle.
The Webley Scott Mark 1 was made from 1924 to 1935. It was made in several variations. The first two variations are so rare that a price can not be established. However the third variation in very good condition is worth around $325. However yours may be worth much more. My best Guess is $475 + , But That is only my opinion.
The Jaguar mfg 1940-1970's .177 cal 100%=$150, 90%=$110, 60%=$80
In excellent condition around $350 in good condition around $150. mfg 1990-1996