A normal Springfield 1903 goes for about $1200 USD right now, and i recently saw a springfield A4 go for around $1750, with light rust and a rough stock.
Unless it's sporterized (like most) then it's 200-300.
The name of the sniper rifle in Brothers in Arms is the Springfield 1903A4 bolt-action rifle.
How much is a 1962 national match m1a 308 cal springfield armory rifle worth?
Mr.Springfield did, an American General.Well it depends on what kind of Springfield as the 30-06 Springfield which was used in World War 2 as a sniper in the U.S Army. Springfield Armory invented that kind of Sniper Rifle during World War 2. Another Springfield would be the Springfield m1903 which is used in the ROTC programs acroos America today.Springfield is the name of the Arsenal in SPRINGFIELD MASS. There were many variations designed and made by the arsenal during WW1 and WW2. The last model was the 1903A4, it was manufactured by Remington.
How much a Springfield 16-gauge single shot is worth largely depends on the condition of the rifle. In good condition, it is valued at about 70 US dollars.
as much as one will pay!
how much is a springfild 12 gauge 94a worth
$125 0r so depends on condition & Location
made by Colt in 1918. not unusual to see a springfield slide on a Colt frame
100-1000 or more depending on specifics
Need more information.
Depending on the overall condition of your Springfield Trapdoor model 1873,or 1884.These old rifles will bring 750 dollars and up.
The gun is worth around $200 to $500 based on the condition of the gun