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Q: How much is a santa fe model 1944 303 rifle worth?
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What type of ammo does a santa fe model 1944 rifle use?

Assuming you have a Golden State Arms Santa Fe Model 1944 rifle here. Golden State Arms didn't manufacture rifles - they bought surplus military rifles, and sporterised them. What you have is PROBABLY a surplus Short Magazine Lee Enfield rifle, and would be chambered for the 7.7x56R cartridge, also known as the .303 British. However, if you're not certain about the calibre, then you need to take it to a gunsmith to have them measure out the chamber - not all of the Santa Fe rifles retained their original .303 cartridge, and, although less common, rifles converted to .308 Winchester and .45-70 are not unheard of.

How old is your Iver Johnson's model x rifle?

made between the years of 1930 and 1944.

What is the value of a 1944 Stevens Model 325 bolt action rifle?

50-125 USD

What is the service history of Rifle model O3-A3 ser 3935163?

made by smith carona in 1944

How much was a 1944 HR Model 158 worth?

50 USD

What are the release dates for Outlaws of Santa Fe - 1944?

Outlaws of Santa Fe - 1944 was released on: USA: 4 April 1944

When was Santa Sylvina created?

Santa Sylvina was created in 1944.

Where was the German Mauser model 98 1944 made?

The rifle was made in occupied Hungary. It should have a two piece stock. They are quite rare.

What is a british made lithgow smle 1944 worth?

Depending on the exact model and condition, anywhere from $100 to 400.

What kind of gun is a M1944 and what caliber is it?

Model of 1944 carbine is a Russian infantry rifle. It is a bolt-action repeater with a 5-shot magazine. It is chambered in 7.62x54R.

What are the ratings and certificates for Outlaws of Santa Fe - 1944?

Outlaws of Santa Fe - 1944 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved USA:Passed (National Board of Review)

What are the ratings and certificates for Lights of Old Santa Fe - 1944?

Lights of Old Santa Fe - 1944 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:S USA:Approved (PCA #10334)