I Have one I acquired from Western Auto in 1964..Don't remember how much I paid then, but I am sure it wasn't much. It is really in good shape and I don't think I would see it..
How much is a 16 gage single barrel shotgun model 350A Revelation
value of revelation 12 guage 350 a
It's a Savage 94D
It is over 30 years that I know
Try e-gunparts.com
No sn data published that I know of
It' a Savage model 94D
Your model 350A was made by Mossberg for Montgomery Wards.The Mossberg model 350A was made from 1960-1968.The value will range between 40-160 dollars depending on overall condition and a good bore.
The revelation model 350a is a single shot brake barrel 12 gauge shotgun that was mass produced by Stevens, and is actually a model 94. Its value ranges from $25 in poor condition, to $150 in mint condition. The gun has no collector value because it was produced in mass quantities.
$100-$125, depending on condition.
It's worth about $50.