1 in 3 people smoke. so tobacco earn around 10 million pound a year. thanks David page. Prinible of trinity academy
Oh, dude, one pound of tobacco can yield around 2,000 cigarettes. But hey, who's counting, right? Like, just imagine all the smoke breaks you could take with that much tobacco. Just remember, smoking kills the vibe, man.
Bali Shag works best for me
It will cost you around Rs.1 to 10 (2cents to 20 cents), depending upon so called quality. But it will cost you much more after some time...
Depends on how much tobacco, what nicotine content of tobacco.
A typical can of chewing tobacco contains 1.2 to 1.5 ounces.
1. English common word for one pound GBP. 2. A plug of tobacco
a can of dipm has 1.2 ounces of tobacco per can
Burley tobacco in Kentucky and the other states that make up the U.S. burley belt is not usually sold by the ton. It is sold by the pound. On the farm it is graded and pressed into bales that way about 80 pounds. With the end of the U.S. tobacco program in 2005 the farmers have been receiving an average of about 1.50 U.S. per pound.
it dependes on the name brand of the tobacco to say the cost
If the question is meant to be "How much does a pound of flour weight?" The answer is a pound.
pound is much heavy than ounce