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a pound in the pound store or ninety nine p in the 99p store

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Q: How much is a plastic cup?
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Related questions

How much does a plastic cup weigh?

The weight of a plastic cup can vary based on the size and thickness of the cup. On average, a small disposable plastic cup weighs approximately 5-10 grams, while a larger plastic cup can weigh around 15-30 grams.

Is a plastic cup lighter than a glass cup?

Yes, a plastic cup is generally lighter than a glass cup because plastic is less dense than glass. This means that a plastic cup will weigh less than a glass cup of the same size.

Who was Tracey who drinks from a plastic cup?

Who was Tracy who drinks for a plastic cup

How many plastic bags does it take to make a Starbucks plastic cup?

it takes 6 plastic bags to make a Starbucks plastic cup

Is a plastic cup a renewable resource?

A plastic cup can be recyclabe but it's definitely not renewable.

Which cup can hold heat better a plastic cup a coffee cup or a glass cup?

A glass cup will conduct heat away quickly - a plastic cup would hold heat the best.

How are plastic cups manufactured?

is a plastic cup manufactured

What are some uses for a plastic cup?

A plastic cup can be use for a number of things. It can be used for drinking beverages or for storing things. Paper clips and pens are some of the things you can keep in a plastic cup.

Is a plastic cup inorganic?

Plastic materials are organic compounds.

What do you do if you cant put an ice-cube in the freezer and can use styrofoam cups and plastic wrap and waxpaper and foil and with out putting ice on the bottom of the cup?

Well obviously you have to insulate it so try to wrap as much plastic rap and wax paper around the outside of the cup as possible and try to support the ice cube using the plastic wrap attached to the sides of the cup. Also, don't let much light through.

Will heat travel faster through a glass cup or a plastic cup?

Heat will travel faster through a glass cup than a plastic cup because glass is a better conductor of heat than plastic. This means that heat will transfer more quickly through the glass, making it heat up or cool down faster compared to the plastic cup.

Which cup keeps water cooler metal or plastic cup?

metal cup because it has insulation