--DUMB If it's regular, meaning Not good good. It's easily worth 400-500. If it's good good than easily 600-700. --DUMB
All that was pretty dumb: you're talking about buying in bulk...most people rather do a pound than a half, but say they got a half pound it would be. you're talking crappy mids or schwagg up there i guess but i only mess with nugs.
Purple Kush (very popular right now) goes for $2,900 a lb- a half would be $1450. get it? Then sell 8 oz for $350 each or 64 eights for $60, make your money
It depends on your location and what strain you get
50 pound or just rob it
Half a gram/ .5g
1/2 pound = about 226.8 grams.
Seriously, one pound of weed equals one pound.
About 226.8 grams.
depends on how long you grow and the sun and water but froma half pound to a pound some can max out to 5 pounds but reagular chronic will grow about a pound
Depends on quality, and price per gram or per oz ;)
The cost will usually depend on the quality and location.
whats a vick of weed?