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Which permit are you talking about? Handgun purchase permits are $5/each. If you're talking about a concealed carry permit, it's $10 for fingerprinting and $80 for the background check. The concealed carry course, you take and pay for on your own, and that costs however much they charge... if I remember correctly, PDHSC on Tryon Rd. in Garner charges either $120 or $150 for theirs. If Charles Lett in Holly Springs is still giving the course, he charges $60 for his. I don't have his number offhand, but he keeps business cards at Jim's Gun Shop on Woodland Rd. in Raleigh (it's in the vicinity of the Target on US70 in Garner, near the Raleigh/Garner boundary). email me if you want, and I'll give you the phone number for Jim's so that he can pass that phone number on to you.

To apply for a handgun purchase permit, you go to the county courthouse in Smithfield. Go through the main doors, back to the Sheriff's Office, and you tell the receptionist that you're applying for handgun permits. You'll fill out your information, they'll do a background check (typically takes four to seven days), and, after you get approved, you go back and you can buy up to five permits initially.

For a concealed carry permit, you take the course, take your paperwork from the course to the Sheriff's Office, along with your money for fees. You'll be fingerprinted, fill out the paperwork, and they'll do the background check... takes about a month for the CCW. Once you get a NC CCW, it serves as your pistol purchase permit, and you won't need to buy the purchase permits.

A NC CCW is valid for five years.

If you're talking about NFA Tax Stamps for full auto firearms, suppressors, short-barreled shotguns and rifles, AOWs, destructive devices, etc., without having an FFL and a range to rent weapons out at, it's almost unheard of in NC - especially in the counties of Cumberland, Wake, and Johnston (in the case of the latter, Steve Bizzel himself openly admits that he doesn't do it because the News & Observer has always had it in for him, and would only use that to attack him further).

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Q: How much is a gun permit in North Carolina?
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How long does it take to get you gun permit in NC?

"Gun permit"? Be specific. There are two types of firearms-related permits which come to mind for NC. The first are pistol permits, required to purchase a handgun in North Carolina (but waved if you have a North Carolina concealed carry permit). Those take about a week. The second is the aforementioned concealed carry permit.. that can take up to 90 days.

How do you replace your South Carolina gun carry permit that you lost?

Contact the issuer of the permit.

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What is the difference between a gun permit in a gun license in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, to purchase a handgun, you have to obtain a purchase permit from the County Sheriff's Office. To carry one concealed (and having one also alleviates the need for the aforementioned purchase permits), you must go through a certified course (I used Jim Lett in Holly Springs), then you pay $90 ($10 for fingerprinting, $80 for the background check) and wait about two months for it to process. Those are the only state-level gun permits/licenses issued in North Carolina.

How many guns are registered in North Carolina?

Only Durham registers its handguns to residents in the city (It is believed that registrations violate the NC constitution but the state leaves Durham alone). Other than that no guns are registered in the state. Since 1995 NC has issued 400,000 pistol permits and there are 228,000 Concealed Carry Permit holders. Permits & Permit holders can purchase pistols or long guns with these authorizations. There is no comprehensive knowledge of gun ownership in NC, just estimates.

Is an gun permit expensive?

That depends on what type of permit you're applying for, and where you're applying for it at. Just as an example, in North Carolina, permits to purchase a handgun were $5/each, while a concealed carry permit was $80, plus a $10 fee for fingerprinting, plus whatever the cost of the class was prior to applying for the permit. It varies between jurisdictions.

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Can you have a gun in your car in South Carolina?

Yes. If you don't have a concealed carry permit, it must be kept in plain sight.

Do you need a permit to carry a sword in South Carolina?

No you do not. Only Gun permits, driving permits, and boating permits.

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What is the law about carrying a gun in your car in North Carolina?

you have to have it where it can be seen, and it can not be loaded.