Falke model 33: Trigger guard swings forward to cock: Mfg 1951-58 Excellent=N/A Good=$250 Fair=$175 Poor=$100
It would help if you stated the condition of the rifle.
Which model are you referring to? State the model number and the condition of the gun, so and estimate can be given. Falke made 10 different air guns and rifles.
if in relative good condition,the FALKE .50 calibre bb gun might be worth a few hundred dollars to the right collector.. FALKE no longer exist but the spring powered bb guns they produced were very hardy..
It would help if you stated the model and the condition of the pellet gun. Without some information it is not possible to answer you.
What condition is it in. That determines the value
What model is it. How old is it, what condition is it in, is it still working?
What Condition is it in? That determines the value.
Around $50
If you are asking about the Falke Air Gun. The price would be about $100 to $250, depending on the condition of the gun. You can usually add about 10% for the box.
What condition is it in. That determines the value.
If you want an estimate of value then you will have to state the model and the condition of the pistol.
Depending on caliber, they can ragne from 4-28 grains.