$100 to $250, depending on the exact model and its condition.
50-100 USD
Are the hammers on the back of the lock or on the sides? The first is probably a shooter worth $100 - $200 depending on condition. The second is a wall decoration with about the same value.
50-150 USD
Depends on condition and features. $75 to maybe as much as $250.
Depends on model and condition- not enough info to answer.
100 USD or so
I believe that the Plymouth side by sides were made by Cresent Firearms.
If it's a hammerless boxlock, it could still be a shooter worth $100 - $250. If it has large side hammers, it's a wall decoration but still worth almost as much. I have one... it belonged to my dad...he purchased it used around1918- 1920 SN 410344 stamper on the stock/receiver, barrel and the hand grip, (same numbers on all three pieces) ... Does this mean anytrhing to anyone??? Mdales Only to you. There is no serialization listing for Crescent firearms that would allow you to date its manufacturer.
The Crescent Arms "Empire Hammerless" double barrel (20 guage) is not a collectable gun, but is a "shooter". Thus, in shootable condition, it is worth about $200. That's what I paid for mine, strictly for bird hunting.