50-300 usd
Herters was an importer headquartered in Minnesota from the early 1960's to 1979. The guns they imported were of good quality but strictly valued as shooters. I'd suggest you check one of the chain sporting goods stores like Dicks or Garts or Gander Mountain for the cheapest NEW .22 revolver and figure yours is worth about 2/3 as much if it is like new, 1/2 if worn but functional or nothing if it's rusted and broken.
Depending on condition, $150-$200.
It is worth around 200 to 600 dollar
depending on condition of your revolver it would be worth 775.00 dollars in 50% condition up to 1,000 in 70% condition.
i have found this old revolver in a pawn shop for 20 bucks how much is it worth
50-150 or so
50 or so
as much as somebody will pay!
40 or so
50-160 or so