You probably want to know the value of a rifle, but 32 Winchester Special only identifies the ammunition. If you really do want to know the value of the cartridge, it costs about $25 for a box of 20.
ho much is a model 55 nickel steel barrel Winchester 32 special worth today?
1,200.00 - 1,500.00
250-350 dollars,depending on overall condition,and a good bore.
What is a 1894 Winchester 32 , serial # 876860 worth
It depends on the condition it's in but i would say it's worth around 750 dollars U.S
50-500 usd
No such model number in Winchester line
1960 32 win special top condition
1982 approx. Worth about 500 bucks
It is worth $-875.67; You shall pay someone to take it from you!
The Winchester Company introduced the 32 Calibre rifle in 1873. For it they created four different types of bullets including the Winchester 32 special.