There was only one model ever produced it was the Rochester Precision. It originally cast $10 today it is worth ( depending on the condition) between $100 to $300. It was previously produced by Monroe Gasket Mfg.
in good shape, 200-250$.
Manufactured between 1934 and 1946. Value would depend on condition. $100 to $250.
350-550 dollars,depending on the amount of original finish remaining on your rifle,and a good bore.
Warren Skaaren was born on March 9, 1946, in Rochester, Minnesota, USA.
A 1946 Roosevelt dime is currently worth $4 dollars.
There are several different models of Mauser rifle. Can you do anything to identify the model, arsenal it was manufactured at, and/or the nationality of the rifle? That it was made in 1946 does nothing to answer this question.
This semi-auto rifle was made between 1946-1951.
Jeffrey Boam was born on November 30, 1946, in Rochester, New York, USA.
the dime in 1946 was worth $1.40
Tom Robson was born January 15, 1946, in Rochester, NY, USA.
In order to give an estimate of value I need to know the condition of the rifle, model 122 "CG". Is it still working? Is it in Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair or Poor condition? The Rifle was made sometime between 1946 - 1950.
Made in 1946, the value of your rifle will vary based on the condition, but somewhere between $600 and $675 is a reasonable range for very good condition.