64 cm
64cm (8cm x 8 sides = 8 x 8 = 64).
It is: 8*8*8 = 512 cubic cm
The radius will turn out to be the square root of the area divided by pi which in this case is about 4.51351666838205 cm
64cm 1.4m = 140cm 140cm - 76cm = 64cm
Everyone who types in stupid comments for stuff they can't answer, please stop. The longest species is 25 inches (64cm)long, the shortest is 14 inches (36cm) long.
64 cm
You know our secret, you must be killed.
32cm, the radius is half of the diameter
It is: 64/4 = 16 cm
64 centimeters is 0.64 meters.
It is: 4*2 = 8 square cm