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In terms of memory in computer speak 500MB is actually 512MB. Why? Due to the Binary Numbering System, computers operate in the powers of 2.

So take a normal Kilo, 1000 in normal life, true. In computers it is the closest to the power of 2 to 1000.

This equates to 2 to the power of 10 or 1024. Mega then is two to the power of 20, or 1,048,576.

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024

I hope this gives the reason behind the differing numbers when it comes to computers or things electronic.

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16y ago

There are 1024 Bytes in a Kilobyte (KB) There are 1024 KB in a Megabyte (MB) So in 1 MB there are 1,048, 576 Bytes So in 512 MB there are 536,870,912 Bytes The amount of items you can store on the memory depends on the size of the file itself. Or did you mean how much in cost?

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14y ago

It can hold alot.

Pictures:About 1700

Songs:About 128

But there is a secret about a 512Mb...Its that 1 Cd can hold more then it because a Cd holds about 700Mb.

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12y ago

2 x512Mb would eqaul exactly 1GB of Ram.

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