$1000 is £824.08
$1003.57 in U.S. dollars
$1000 is £824.08
As of 6th June 2009, £1000 is equal to $1597.44
623 as of June 17 2012
how much does 1000 dollars in quarters weight in pounds
$1000 is £824.08
$1003.57 in U.S. dollars
$1000 is £824.08
£1,000 is $1,213.50
£1000 is $1,213.50 (1/10/17)
approx $2000
It depends on the current exchange rate between pounds and dollars. However, as a rough estimate, 1000 pounds is roughly equivalent to around 1300-1400 US dollars.
As of 6th June 2009, £1000 is equal to $1597.44
there are 1000 dimes in 5 pounds. that would be 10 Us dollars
623 as of June 17 2012
1000 British Pounds equals 1413.65 US Dollars as of March 2018.