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That will depend on the local laws, such as the fire codes, and the type of powder. Black powder is an explosive, and is typically more restricted than smokeless powder. Check with the Fire Marshall where you live.

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Q: How much gun powder can you have?
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How much gun powder?

To do what?

How much gun powder is in a 9mm?

Depends on which powder, and which loading of the 9mm.

What is gun powder?

Gun powder was originally a combination of ground saltpeter, ground charcoal and ground sulfur. the original gun powder had problems. one it gumed up your gun, two it produced too much smoke. we now use a much more usefull and smokeless powder i forget the name though...

How much gun powder do you use?

Whatever the reloading manual has in it.

How much is gun powder?

It all depends on how much you want to purchase and where you buy it.

What is another name for gun powder as used in the gun powder plot?

Black Powder.

How much gun powder can you how much gun powder can i poses California?

In California, individuals without a permit can legally possess up to 5 pounds of black powder or smokeless powder for personal use. However, it's important to check with local laws and regulations regarding storage and transportation of gun powder.

When gun powder is mixture?

Gun powder is always a mixture.

How much does a barrel of gun powder weigh?

Depends on the size of the barrel.

Can you use gun powder instead of powdered sugar and kno3 as a propellant?

Gun powder can be used as a propellant rather than powdered sugar and KNO3 depending on the application. Both are explosive, however gun powder is designed to ignite at much higher speeds.

What was gun powder used for?

gun powder was udes for fireworks, then weapons

How much gun powder is in a m16 bullet?

Depends on which powder is used, and there are several. If using Winchester W748, it would be about 23.5 grains of weight of powder.