well if you count your turds in one day which is usually 2 turds to every person but if you then count the over weight and obese people which stands at around the 1 billion mark then you have to say that they drop a crap at least 6 times per day. sooo what have we got 7 billion turds times 2 is 14 billion turds then 1 billion turds times by 6 equals 16 billion turds put them together is 30 billion turds and now to your question.
I dunno
but we have figured out how much the world SHlTS a day
a lot of food
cats can eat about 3 plate of food in one day
they eat 20 pices of food
they eat 10 time a day
they can eat about 1000grams of concentrated food
10-20kg a day
allot of food
Giraffes eat about 70 pounds of food a day
some sharks can eat up to 763.9 pounds a day
They eat 2 thousand pounds of food a day
17 times a day