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In terms of blood you will loose 2-3 tablespoons.

But because a period is more tissue and stuff than blood, in total fluid you can loose 6-9 tablespoons.

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Q: How much fluid does a women lose during her period?
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No it is not directly from your blood stream it is really just a lining built up to help the baby but that is a much longer explanationAnother opinion:You can lose too much blood during your period. if your blood flow looks above normal, or youre feeling overly tired or sick a lot during it, consult a doctor.

Can you lose too much blood during your period?

No it is not directly from your blood stream it is really just a lining built up to help the baby but that is a much longer explanationAnother opinion:You can lose too much blood during your period. if your blood flow looks above normal, or youre feeling overly tired or sick a lot during it, consult a doctor.