no pretty much, else its just a large ipod nano 5g
If you mean an mp3 player, not much, they use almost no power, like a few watts hours for an ipod touch and they are power suckers for mp3s
batteries use chemical potential energy to make electricity. electrical energy is converted into light/electromagnetic energy by the screen, and sound energy by the headphones.
It varies. On the 8GB model its about 2GB, but on the 64GB model its about 5GB
batteries use chemical potential energy to make electricity. electrical energy is converted into light/electromagnetic energy by the screen, and sound energy by the headphones.
They use way to much energy, but what would we do with out google. :)
An iPod produces electrical energy from its battery to power the device components such as the screen, processor, and speakers.
Depends what you want to use them for. The iPad is more of a computer, and can do so much more then the iPod. If you wanna just listen to music and play games, get an iPod.
An ipod has electrical energy in it t make it run then heat light sound and kinetic energy are the energy's that the electrical energy have transformed into
The voltage use in an iPod dick station is between 5v and 12v. This is a normal voltage use for a small appliance. Saving energy is always important so all plugs should be unplugged when not in use.
A long time really, but it depends how much you use it, and how much you look after it