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There is very little change in the temperature.

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Q: How much does your body temperature change when your pregnant?
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whose body temperature does not change much even when the temperature of the environment changes is called?

Animals whose body temperatures do not change much despite the temperature of the environment changing are called ectotherms. This ability allows some animals to live in harsh environments.

Does the change in temperature of an object affect how much heat it can transfer to another object?

The temperature of an object affects how much heat can be transferred. This is because if the object to which heat is transferred has high temperature then there will not be much heat transfer. Heat flows from a body of higher temperature to lower temperature.

Does molecular speed change as much as the temperature?

It changes in proportion to the temperature change.

Does mean molecular speed change as much as the temperature?

It changes in proportion to the temperature change.

How does the outside temperature affect the body temperature?

The outside temperature affects the body temperature because it the body temperature will try to regulate itself. For example, if the temperature outside is cold, the body will generate heat as much as possible to maintain a core temperature.

If the temperature is 48 degrees and 88 percent humid is it warm?

Using human body temperature as a basis, 48 degrees is less than 1/2 of the average human body temperature (98.6), so no, 48 degrees is cold not warm.The humidity will change what it feels like but actual temperature does not change with humidity. When the air temperature is near body temperature, humidity makes a huge difference, as the body needs to sweat at above 84 degrees but if there is too much water in the air, the sweat will be slow to evaporate and cooling is reduced.

How much can your body weight change in a day?

Your body can change its weight as much as 6 pounds a day.

How much temperature is in the human's body?

37 c

What will be your body temperature in 75 degree water?

Your body temperature will be about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit all the time. If your temperature falls much below that, you will die of hypothermia.

How much does the temperature drop at night?

The temperature does change at night but it depends where you are.

Is a mouse an endothermic or and ectotherm?

Ectothermic means its cold bloodedendothermic means that its warm bloodedOne trait that distinguishes the major groups of vertebrates from one another is the way in which they control their body temperature. Most fish, amphibians, and reptiles have body temperatures that are close to the temperature of their environment.2 Fish, amphibians, and reptiles are ectotherms. An ectotherm is an animal whose body does not produce much internal heat. Its body temperature changes depending on the temperature of the environment. For example, when a turtle is lying in the sun on a riverbank, it has a higher body temperature than when it is swimming in a cool river. Ectotherms are sometimes called "cold-blooded," but that is misleading. The blood of ectotherms is often quite warm.3 In contrast to the turtle, a beaver would have the same body temperature whether it was in cool water or on warm land. The beaver is an endotherm. An endotherm is an animal whose body controls and regulates its temperature by controlling the internal heat it produces. An endotherm's body temperature usually does not change much, even when the temperature of its environment changes. Mammals and birds are endotherms. They have a stable body temperature that is typically much warmer than their environment. Endotherms are often called "warm-blooded" animals.

What are the characteristics of rate of change?

It is usually a measure of how much one variable changes relative to changes in other variable(s). The pressure of an ideal gas depends on its temperature and volume. There are rates of change for pressurerelative to the temperature (with volume held constant),relative to the volume (with temperature held constant), anda multivariate rate of change when both can vary.Next, the rate of change need not be constant. For a body in accelerated motion, the rate of change of location (its velocity) varies with the acceleration. And that, in turn could vary with the force acting on the body.