Physical. You're not actually changing the makeup of the substance, just the way it appears.
how much does 100ltrs diesel weigh in tons
It depends on the shoe you fool. Weight the shoe in pounds, and then convert it.
a zip off some regular weigh 28 grams
On average, shredded paper weighs about 30 pounds per 7 gallons. This can vary depending on factors such as the type of paper and how densely it is shredded.
Shredded paper is/can be recycled to make paper. Most of the shredded paper is baled and shipped to paper recycling plant.
Shredded paper takes up more space due to its increased surface area and less density compared to whole paper sheets. This makes the shredded paper feel lighter to carry as the weight is distributed over a larger volume.
An average head of shredded cabbage weighs around 2-3 pounds. This can vary depending on the size of the cabbage head and how finely it is shredded.
it depends on how you use it. if you say i shredded the paper it is a verb. if you said the shreded paper it would be an adjective
1 pound or any thing stupid
Yes, shredded paper can typically be recycled. However, some recycling programs may have specific guidelines or restrictions on shredded paper, so it's best to check with your local recycling facility for guidance. Shredded paper should be placed in a paper bag or cardboard box before recycling to prevent it from becoming a nuisance in the recycling process.
NO i think you Get normal paper And then Shred it
A mobile paper shredder is a paper shredder which you can carry around with you and use in any location.
Shredded paper.