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Nothing. The adoptive parents pay all legal fees and your medical expenses. Many will also pay for your living expenses ( food, rent, maternity clothes, ect.) and with educational expenses.

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Q: How much does it cost to give a child up for adoption?
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How much does it cost for a father to place a child for adoption if placing with the birth mother and her new husband?

That varies widely depending on the jurisdiction and the circumstances of each case. Usually, the adoptive parents bear this cost.

How much does a Chinese adoption cost?

Chinese adoptions range from 20-30k, depending on the adoption organization you use.

Is Madonna actually helping international adoption agencies when she adopts?

as much as anyone else who adopts a child from an international adoption agency

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Humans are PRICELESS You must be talking about adoption. You need to go to a lawyer or child services.

How much does it cost to give up custody of your child to the state?

In general, one cannot give one's child to the State. The taxpayers are not interested in raising your child. When the State does take custody of a child, it pursues the parents for support.

If CPS places a child in your custody in Texas how long do you have to wait before trying to adopt the child and how much does an adoption like this cost?

It depends if it is a kinship placement or not. If the child is related to you, you can file for adoption as part of the termination of parental rights or anytime thereafter. If it is a kinship placement, the case worker should explore the possibility of you adopting the child as part of their permanancy plan for the little one. If this is NOT a kinship placement and you are a foster parent, you need to have the child in your care continuously for one year before you have standing to sue for custody/adoption of the child. Hope that helped some.

how much does the average surrogacy adoption usually cost?

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How much does signing over your parental rights cost in West Virginia?

In West Virginia parents are not allowed to sign over their parental rights to a child. If the other biological parent is married and the spouse wants to adopt to child, then it's possible to not contest the adoption and let it proceed.

How much will it cost for the a family child adult?

How much will what cost ? Ask your question again

How do you look for children of your past?

There is a national registry that you can sign and give contact information to just incase your child ever looks for you. Also give identifying information to the adoption agency in case your child calls them looking for information. I always encourage adopted people to find as much medical history as possible. In my case, all I did was contact the adoption agency that I was adopted from(looking for medical history), gave them my identifying information and they found that my birth mother had written numerous letters since my adoption. They kept them on file and when they found that she had signed this registry I was able to read them and contact her.

How much does it cost to put a child in a foster home?

how old is the child

How much will child support cost me?

As much as the judge decides.