Five dollars
Depends on the MPG of the vehicle you are driving.
From Greyhound. A Greyhound bus ticket from Columbia to Myrtle Beach will cost $38.00. The price of a bus ticket depends on the fare type purchased (example: refundable, non-refundable, return, one-way). Price confirmation can be obtained online or through your local Greyhound Operator.
The average cost of beachfront property is 300,000 dollars for much less than an acre. If you don't want to live near the beach, you can get an acre of land for 50,000 dollars an acre.
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A Greyhound bus ticket from Frederick to Myrtle Beach will cost approximately $90.64 - $116.00 depending on the fare type selected. The price of a bus ticket depends on the fare type purchased (example: refundable, non-refundable, return, one-way). Price confirmation can be obtained online or through your local Greyhound Operator.
Myrtle Beach vacation packages generally run from $500 to $700 per person for the flight and hotel package. More expensive and luxurious packages are also available.
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The price of a ticket depends on the Charter operation offering the transportation services. It is not possible to assess cost without knowing which carrier you are referring to.
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