$6-$10 depending the brand
The price of a six pack of Bud Light in Montreal varies depending on which store you buy from. As an example you can order online from The Beer Store for $11.95.
A case of beer can cost as little as 8 dollars in a store. Typically, a case of beer will cost about 15 dollars.
A pack is $3.99 at Walmart or Target.
$3 per pack
In Canada a litre of good beer is approximately $9.50.
They are currently selling online for around $60 a six pack
six pack of beer, soda, socks six pack of beer, soda, socks six pack of beer, soda, socks
One pack of Newport cigarettes cost approximately $6.50 in Wisconsin.
A keg of beer costs around $350 in Pennsylvania.
About £2.00 for a pack of five 100 in a pack