Ranging from 9 dollars to 12 dollars for Belmont King Size Large.
The Nite Finder costs $9.99 in Canada in most stores, and if you are lucky you can find a double pack for $19.99 to $24.99.
how much did a pack of diapers cost in 1999
well it depends what brand and where you go. Mac's for example sells Belmonts (25 pack) for $11.50 or $11.75. can't remember which...but you can get a value brand for less.
Things did not cost much more than today, maybe about 30-40 cents difference.
how much is a pack of fanta
it dependes on the name brand of the tobacco to say the cost
A pack is $3.99 at Walmart or Target.
$3 per pack
One pack of Newport cigarettes cost approximately $6.50 in Wisconsin.
About £2.00 for a pack of five 100 in a pack
Like 50$ a pack