A night stay at the Monterey Plaza Hotel costs about £170-190£ per night. It is reviewed to be very good by customers. There are many discount coupons available for Monterey Plaza Hotel on many websites.
The address of the Champs Elysees Plaza Hotel is 35 Rue de Berri, 75008 Paris, France. It is an expensive hotel and will cost someone $514 for a night there.
A night in the plaza hotel will vary in cost depending on the room size and layout you choose. The best way to approach it is to figure out what suites you best.
The Crowne Plaza Hotel costs a different variety of rates such as $132 for one night all the way to $165. The cost of a night at this hotel often depends on what day of the week the room is booked and how far in advanced.
According to the popular site TripAdvisor, a night stay at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in Sydney ranges from $239-$430. It has been given a 4.5/5 star rating.
The Plaza Petite suite, which has 1 full-size bed would be the least expensive room at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel at an average of $132 per night. For the standard, which has a queen size bed, the cost would be about $140 per night.
The newest Palawan Hotel is the AA Plaza located on National Highway. Its a four story hotel located in the center of town. The cost is PhP $2900 a night per room.
32 dollars a night for a normal hotel
It cost up to $ 300 to stay at the Grandstay Hotel for one night!
"The cost of a two night hotel room at Cyclades Hotel may vary. For a single person, the cost may be around one hundred and fifty to three hundred and sixty dollars."
im not sure, but check supershuttle
There are a lot of great lower priced hotels in Chicago. Congress Plaza and MileNorth are two of the lowest cost hotel ($79 and $89 a night respectively) and receive good to above average reviews.