If someone tries getting more than $100 from you for it, you're being ripped off. Maybe $120 if it's well accessorised.
$50 - $80
25-65 USD
The Lorcin is a low cost handgun. Their reputation for durability, reliability is not extremely high, but I know of no specific safety issues with them.
Whatever the seller asks for it. For an OEM magazine, $20 - $25.... anything more than that is price gouging.
You need a gunsmith
Try e-gunparts.com
The name of the company that made Lorcin handguns was "Lorcin." However, I believe the company is out of business, and for good reason.
Less than $100. Probably looking in the $50 - $80 range.
Ask a gunsmith for help
If it is reliable and you have nothing else, yes.