Depends on the artist and how detailed the tattoo is and if it is in color or not. Figure a basic 200.00 to start and go up from there. Each artist sets their price.
Tattoos can be applied to one's arm in full sleeve or half sleeve applications. The main difference between full sleeve tattoos and half sleeve tattoos is how much tattoo covers the arm.
It all depends on what you want as far as color or black and gray. Most tattoo places charge by the hour and prices differ from artist to artist. Good tattoos are not cheap and cheap tattoos are not good. Best thing to do is find which artists work you like for the type of tattoo you want and then discuss pricing.
125 an hour
It would all depend on the size of the tattoo and the surgeon who removes it for you.
How much money do you have
Tattoos can be applied to one's arm in full sleeve or half sleeve applications. The main difference between full sleeve tattoos and half sleeve tattoos is how much tattoo covers the arm.
It all depends on what you want as far as color or black and gray. Most tattoo places charge by the hour and prices differ from artist to artist. Good tattoos are not cheap and cheap tattoos are not good. Best thing to do is find which artists work you like for the type of tattoo you want and then discuss pricing.
Depending on the size and type of a tattoo, it may cost up to $300.
Gastric sleeve surgery involves removing up to 85% of the stomach so that it leaves behind a sleeve which helps you to lose weight. The average cost is above $10,000.
It depends on what kind of tattoo your getting.
You can re-sleeve most of them.
about £5 - £10
Forever grateful
Depends On What You want . . . . . !