Barbells are used in several piercings so you need to list a piercing in order to get a price, actually grab the phone book and call the body piercing studio for prices.
This can't be answered correctly unless you specifically state the kind of piercing that you want, but you will be looking at probably $25.00 - $35.00 for any typical piercing that would involve a barbell.
mine cost $55 but they can cost anywhere from around $45 - $100. it really depends on where you get it done and if you get a ring or barbell and if you get a colored jewel on the barbell or not. etc
If you are asking just about the barbell in say an industrial piercing, they can range from $35.00 to $65.00 depending on the material and quality of the barbell.
if its new not alot.if its an older piercing it does not matter
None....... It's a straight line piercing the curved barbell will actually irritate the piercing.
The barbell is too long for the piercing and should have been shortened after two weeks, get a shorter barbell in the piercing and it should settle down.
If we are talking about an industrial piercing, yes you need two piercings. however you can still wear a barbell in one piercing provided that it is fitted to work in that single piercing.
No reputable piercer will pierce you using your own jewellery. They use brand new sterilized jewellery, so that there is little risk of infection.
No, tongue rings are specifically designed for tongue piercings and are not suitable for an industrial piercing. An industrial piercing typically requires a long straight barbell that goes through two separate ear piercings. It is best to use jewelry that is specifically designed for an industrial piercing to ensure proper healing and comfort.
barbell is better because if you get a ring it rotates around and the bacteria gets inside the piercing also if you get it pierced with a ring you might have difficulty putting a barbell in later
A Smiley Piercing is a piercing done generally with a circular barbell, captive bead ring or a bent barbell in the frenial web above the front teeth, between the top lip and gums.
A tongue with a barbell in it.