The FGM-148 Javelin? $80,000 (missile); $125,000 (reusable Command Launch Unit) back in 2002. Do not know current prices- have not bought any lately.
FIM-148 in 2012 $143,358 USd for launcher $86,014 USD each missle
FIM-148 in 2012 $143,358 USD for launcher $86,014 USD each missle
No. A javelin is a type of spear. There is also a military Javelin that is a missle launcher. You might be wondering about javelinas... if so, please see the related question.
$60,000 USD
$20,000 USD
$1.5 million USD
$40,000 launcher $10,000 each missle
FIM-148 in 2012 $143,358 USd for launcher $86,014 USD each missle
Words that can be made from the letters 'missle' are:elmIisisleleilesslielimememessmilemisssisslimslimesmile
A Javelin
javelin weigh 175-320