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Q: How much does a 357 Pistol cost?
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How much is a 357 highway patrol issue pistol worth?

50-500 usd

What is the cost of 357 magnum Taurus pistol with 2 inch barrel with muzzle break?

100-300 USD

Is a 357 pistol stronger than a 380 pistol?


Is there a 357 automatic hand gun?

Yes, there have been a couple. At least one company (Coonan) has built a semi auto pistol that fires the .357 Magnum cartridge. A much more common find would be handguns built in the .357 Sig caliber. This is a bottlenecked .357 cartridge intended to duplicate the performance of the .357 magnum, but in an auto pistol cartridge.

How much is a Dan Wesson 357 6 vented rib pistol worth?

100-500 or so

How much is a police service six 357 magnum cal pistol worth?

100-300 USD

What is a 357 sig pistol?

357 sig is a cartridge that is a relatively high speed handgun round. It is not a pistol itself, many, many pistols are chambered for this cartiridge.

What is the average cost for a used s and w model 19 357 mag pistol?

100-1000 depending on what condition of "average" you are talking about.

What is secret service issue pistol?

SiG P229 in 357

How many different types of ammo are there for a 357 I got 357 mag and 357 sig and neither fits your 357 colt python?

a 357 cal. revolver cartridge WILL fit a colt 357 python. Also, a 38 special will fit a 357 cal. python. The 357 sig cartridge will NOT fit a 357 colt python................ The 357 sig cartridge ONLY fits the sig model pistol For clarity.....the sig 357 is a pistol. But, the 357 python is a revolver................

What is the best rated 357 mag pistol?


Is co2 okay for a 357 magnum pistol?

If you are asking about the Crosman C02 pellet pistol then Yes that is what it is designed to power the pistol.