In Canadian dollars if you by popular brands of cigarettes is would cost you $133.($9.50 for a pack)
If you buy cheaper brands it would only cost $101.50.($7.25 for a pack)
If the cost of a pack of cigarettes is about 5 dollars a pack and you go through about 2 a day its gonna be about 3,650 dollars a year.
price of cigarettes in 1910
I depends on where you live. How to find out: 1.Find out how much a pack of cigarettes cost in your state 2.find out how many packs a person smokes a day 3.Multiply how many packs a month by price=answer My guess:60-120$ a month
It cost like 2 we 3 thousand dollars just fer one year!!
In New Zealand and Australia they were about 2/6 that is 25cents decimal.
The tax put the price of an average pack up by $2.
I hired a commentator for the day and it cost £10 every hour and a 1/2
$2 each day.
one day
In 1965 in the US, a pack of cigarettes cost .35 cents.
In the past he used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day; but last 2 years he has quite smoking.