This Depends on your age, experience and which hotel branch you are working for so best to find out specifically from the hotel itself as it varies. Also it depends on which job post you are applying for within the hotel.
this varies from hotel to hotel
Hiya could anybody tell me how much you get paid for working in an airpot.
i get paid $3000
A very nice Amount
That depends on what you're doing. General laborers will get paid very little, around 5,000Tsh per day (about US$3.30), hotel workers will get paid between $100 - $400 per month, hotel managers will get paid upwards of $1,500 per month. If you're working at dive centers, expect to get some pocket money and lodging/food paid for you.
how much did victorianchildren get payed for working as putters
80 pounds a week
minimum wage
slaves don't get paid they're slaves
around 150,000 a year
it gets 25 dollors