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Different people have different levels of tolerance. why in the world do you want to get drunk? It will hurt you!

Most states consider you de jure intoxicated when your blood alcohol content reaches 0.08%. The human body contains about 5 liters of blood, so 50 milliliters... about one and two-thirds fluid ounces... of 8% alcohol by volume would contain sufficient alcohol to theoretically reach that limit.

In practice, it's quite a bit more complicated than that, since not all the alcohol goes directly into the blood and it starts getting broken down by the liver as soon as it gets there. (This is part of the reason people have different tolerance levels.)

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Q: How much do you drink to get drunk on a 8 percent alcohol?
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About as fast as on any other drink. Drunkenness is a function of how much alcohol you drink over a short time, not the way drinks are mixed. Alcohol is alcohol.

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If you drink too much alcohol so that you become drunk and are ill you have abused alcohol. If you drink allot of alcohol on a regular basis you are also abusing alcohol.

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If you drink too much of it, yes. You can get alcohol poisoning from any percentage alcohol if you drink too much of it.

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There is only one type of drinkable alcohol - ethanol. To get drunk it depends on the person. .08 in most states (if not all) is legally drunk. That is an average four drinks at one ounce of pure ethanol per drink. One drink can be: a beer, 8oz of wine, 1 shot of hard proof liquor, or one mixed drink.

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How much listerine do you have to drink to get drunk?

Listerine contains 27% alcohol by volume, about twice what is in wine. How much you have to drink depends on your tolerance for alcohol. When people get around to drinking Listerine, they are usually active alcoholics and it takes a fair amount to get them drunk, unless they have reached the point where their tolerance has begun to decline.

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Alcohol is not present in semen in any significant quantity. If he's drunk, why would.... Oh, never mind.

Why do people drink too much alcohol?

Sometimes it heredity and sometimes its just the sheer idea of being drunk and not caring about the world.

Why can' t drunk people control the way they move?

If people drink too much alcohol, it can temporarily impair their psychomotor control.

If you drink four 12 ounce bottles of beer you will have about as much alcohol in your system as if you drink?

If you drink four 12 ounce bottles of beer you will have about as much alcohol in your system as if you drink four glasses of wine or four mixed drinks.As a matter of information, that amount of alcohol drunk by a 170-lb. man in one hour will put you right at .08 BAC.