The average cost for a Standard Defintion Family Guy Episode on iTunes is at:
$1.99 USD
£1.89 GBP
$2.49 CAD
$2.99 AUD
unfortunately they are not for sale yet, except as a whole DVD, which you can find at
well if you buy it off iTunes it is $10
In the anime, only 26. That goes up to the beginning of the 6th manga, but the charachters you meet through the 8th manga, were put before what happens in the beginning of volume 6th (also the 26th episode in the anime). The manga goes up to volume 23. If you haven't read it, you really should. You can buy Fruits Basket episodes on itunes.
How much it will cost to fly to India depends on the season of the year and the starting point of the flight. A trip can be purchased for as little as $800 and as much as $1600 from the U.S.
Your question is somewhat illogical, Family Guy is a TV show and has no exact worth. Are you wanting to know how much does it cost to make an episode? How much revenue it brings in?
On iTunes, 10 episodes would cost $20 if you bought them seperatly, about $15 if you bought a set of ten.
Upgrading iTunes is free.
An Itunes account is free
$1.99 but dont buy them she sucks
Most songs from the iTunes store in New Zealand cost NZ$1.79
The iTunes software is free, (See links below)
i believe it doesnt cost anything.
No. Itunes does have to approve your podcast however and you may have production costs for your podcast.
Normally they will cost around £75 for a £5 card