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Depends on the power of the nuke. At the center of the explosion the destruction is total. Farther, damages become less destructive, but the radioactive cloud can travel tens or hundreds of kilometers.

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The range of destruction from a nuclear bomb explosion varies based on the size of the bomb. A large nuclear bomb can cause destruction up to several miles from ground zero, including devastating effects from the initial blast, heat, and radiation. The exact distance would depend on the specific yield and design of the bomb.

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Nuclear bomb explosion detonation point?

The detonation point of a nuclear bomb explosion is where the bomb is triggered to release its energy. This can occur either in the air, on the ground, or underwater, depending on the desired impact and effect of the explosion. The detonation point is carefully chosen to maximize the destructive potential of the bomb.

Can a nuclear reactor explode as a nuclear bomb?

No, a nuclear reactor cannot explode like a nuclear bomb. The design and process within a nuclear reactor are different from those in a nuclear bomb. In a reactor, the control systems prevent the conditions needed for a nuclear explosion to occur.

Can a nuclear reactor detonate the way a nuclear bomb can?

No, a nuclear reactor cannot detonate like a nuclear bomb. Nuclear reactors use controlled fission reactions to generate heat for electricity, while nuclear bombs use uncontrolled chain reactions to create an explosion. The design and purpose of a reactor prevent it from causing a nuclear explosion.

Can a nuclear bomb or reaction blow up a whole state?

It is unlikely for a nuclear bomb or reaction to blow up a whole state. The explosive power of a nuclear bomb is devastating, but the physical size of a typical state is much larger. The impact of a nuclear explosion would be significant within a certain radius, but it would not cover an entire state.

How big is a nuclear bomb explosion?

The size of a nuclear bomb explosion can vary depending on the yield of the bomb. Nuclear bombs can range from a few kilotons (equal to thousands of tons of TNT) to megatons (equal to millions of tons of TNT) in explosive power. The effects of a nuclear bomb explosion can extend for miles, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.

Related questions

Will chickens survive a nuclear bomb?

Noboby can survive a nuclear bomb if he is within explosion distance.

What do you call the explosion called from an atomic bomb?

a nuclear explosion

Where was the worlds worst nuclear explosion?

I'm not sure but the strongest bomb is the hydrogen bomb

Why does a mushroom cloud form after a nuclear bomb explosion?

Gravity if forming the clouds from the atomic bomb.

Why did a nuclear explosion happen?

because the bomb was designed to make it so.

Why does the atomic bomb make an explosion?

uncontrolled nuclear fission and/or fusion.

Nuclear bomb explosion detonation point?

The detonation point of a nuclear bomb explosion is where the bomb is triggered to release its energy. This can occur either in the air, on the ground, or underwater, depending on the desired impact and effect of the explosion. The detonation point is carefully chosen to maximize the destructive potential of the bomb.

Bomb created by splitting atoms?

A nuclear bomb is created by splitting atoms through a process called nuclear fission. This releases a massive amount of energy in the form of a nuclear explosion.

Can a nuclear reactor explode as a nuclear bomb?

No, a nuclear reactor cannot explode like a nuclear bomb. The design and process within a nuclear reactor are different from those in a nuclear bomb. In a reactor, the control systems prevent the conditions needed for a nuclear explosion to occur.

Is a nuclear bomb the biggest explosion?

Yes, Nuclear weapons create the biggest man-made explosions

Has there ever been an nuclear bomb hit Texas?

There has never been a nuclear explosion in the state of Texas

Why did radiation occur after the atomic bomb hit Japan?

The atomic bombs are nuclear weapons that use a nuclear chain reaction to create a Hugh explosion. The by-product of the nuclear blast is radiation.Atomic explosion is created by setting off a lot of dynamite around a core of nuclear material. The blast compresses the material together and makes it unstable.A hydrogen bomb is a much more powerful bomb. It is the result of a small nuclear explosion that compresses more powerful radioactive material together and thus creating an explosion that is 100 times greater than an atomic bomb.