Back in the 1800's, the worth of a slave would have depended on age, health, sex, height, etc. A young, healthy male may have fetched a few hundred dollars at the time. Of course, today slavery is not legal.
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tehy would cost $678.78
It all really depends on what skills and crafts the slaves had. They would pay more for clever and well developed slaves.
They costed around 6,500 to 8,000 depending on the slave
slaves in 1799 cost $50 and worked from 11:00 am to 10:00 am and got 1:00 of sleep with a bread crumb a day
"Greek slaves didn't cost too much money, we do not know how much, but if almost everyone had one, then greek slaves wouldn't cost too much."
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tehy would cost $678.78
It varied from hundreds to thousands
It all really depends on what skills and crafts the slaves had. They would pay more for clever and well developed slaves.
It cost about a thousand-hundreds of dollars but to us it cost a penny or five cents+
...70% of what the average male slave cost.
10 black slaves and about 3 cows
They costed around 6,500 to 8,000 depending on the slave
slaves costed anywhwere from 500 to 1,000 dollars slaves costed anywhwere from 500 to 1,000 dollars
they provided labor at a lower cost than slaves
slaves in 1799 cost $50 and worked from 11:00 am to 10:00 am and got 1:00 of sleep with a bread crumb a day