how much did a frankfuter cost in 1963
It depends if you have a hotel there, what hotel you are staying at, how long you are staying, what places you eat at, and how many people are there.
What was the cost of living in the United Kingdom in 1963
Gas in 1963 cost about 30 cents per gallon
imoportant of capital cost to a hotel imoportant of capital cost to a hotel
The cost of cigarettes in 1963?
Bacon cost 29 cents per pound in 1963.
Many people prefer to stay in a really nice and comfortable hotel. A popular hotel is called Georgian Terrance Hotel which is located in Atlanta. A one night stay at this specific hotel cost about $126 for one night.
"The cost of a two night hotel room at Cyclades Hotel may vary. For a single person, the cost may be around one hundred and fifty to three hundred and sixty dollars."
The price of a hotel in 1820 was $999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999
Its depend on which type of hotel are you selecting because if you looking for luxurious stay then the cost would be high.
How much it costs to stay in a hotel in Touraine, France varies depending on the actual hotel and the season. On average, a hotel will cost about $95 to about $250 per night.